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Why should young people get involved in politics?

Published:Tuesday | March 28, 2017 | 12:00 AM

We asked our guests to complete this sentence: Young persons should get involved in the democratic process because ... ? And this is what they said:


Markel Virgo, Norman Manley law School, director at the Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning

"For sustainable development of the country."

Alister McLean, Combined Disabilities Association

"To ensure that politicians are held accountable and to ensure that policies that are made are made in the interest of youth."

Jherane Patmore, programme officer,

J-FLAG and programme manager,


"Because without our involvement, it is not truly a democratic process."

Dervin Osbourne, programme officer, Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network (JYAN)

"They understand their issues best and they are the ones who can articulate and create policies for them."

Oshnel Bryan, Wolmer's Boys'

School and JYAN

"It takes one person to start a change."

Sarahlee Tucker, Students' Council president, Ardenne High School

"We have a responsibility to help steer our future."

Fabrizio Darby, first vice-president of the Students' Council, Ardenne High School

"We need to end the cycle of patriotism for party and start patriotism for country."

Kevin Williams, political assistant

"They want a better quality of life that starts with participation."


Christopher Harper, JYAN

"We are our future."

Jiovan Halstead, prefect,

Jamaica College

"Their voices matter."

Kimberly Thompson, JYAN

"The current policies will influence our future, so we should help to shape the life we live."