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Letter of the Day | Power of police and citizens working together

Published:Wednesday | October 27, 2021 | 2:12 AM


The recent happenings in St Thomas, where two little girls were abducted and were later found, should be a template in how citizens can help the police in the war against criminal elements in their communities.

The response was true, dutiful and rapid.

Throughout the entire ordeal, we learnt that there are enough decent citizens in our society to change for good the relationship with the police. I am hoping this is a fresh start that will lead the Jamaica Constabulary Force to solve crimes, including murders, in a quick manner.

I was raised hearing my granny telling us that it takes a village to raise a child, and the way the citizens bonded with the police in this instance to find those missing girls is proof that that old adage is still alive.

‘Each one can reach one’ is a statement made in truism, and the fact that a group of residents could brave the darkest nights, travel through deep wooded areas, crossed rivers and streams in the company of the police to locate these two innocent little angels give us much hope.

In the past, the minister of national security was saying how important it was that citizens and the police form a respectful, working relationship; that one cannot succeed without the other. This has proven him to be a wise old head.

When we read of the millions being spent on getting the police force up to scratch and yet criminals run wild over a segment of the population, I am left bothered and worried. But this time, I was proud. Proud that the police with the help of the ordinary people of this country stood up, raised their hands and worked together to find those two little girls.

The work is not yet done, and I am sure it is the people themselves who will now help in finding the hole in which this alleged abductor is hiding.

I hope we can replicate this. Tell the police who you know are hiding the guns and who are killing with impunity, and then maybe we can really start enjoying this Jamaica land we love again.