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Letter of the Day | Why are patties so expensive?

Published:Tuesday | November 29, 2022 | 12:07 AM


On a recent visit to a leading patty establishment in Kingston, I noticed that the prices of patties have increased – from $240 to $250. I am not sure what is the justification for this latest upward movement in price.

What I am sure about, however, is that patties are inching further towards the $300 mark and are also becoming less and less befitting of its long-held status as ‘Jamaica’s most affordable hot lunch meal option’.

I remember back in the ‘80s when a beef patty used to cost around $5. Over the past three decades, in my estimation, the prices of patties have risen by about 4,900 per cent.

Patties have been one of the local foods which could be described as ‘the great equaliser’, because people from all socio-economic class enjoy them.

However, this go-to food is slowly and surely becoming out of reach for many, which is quite unfortunate.