Eclectic vases
Eclectic vases
As my late grandmother would say, 'tun yuh han mek fashion'. In these challenging economic times, we have no choice. Today, Outlook introduces a monthly feature, Decorating DIVA to help our readers add flair, whimsy and a bit of eclectic style to your decor without digging deep into your pockets, if any at all.
Have you ever had a difficulty throwing away a uniquely shaped bottle or thought of how you could keep the memories you made over your favourite bottle of wine? Well, now you can have your cake and eat it. Just clear your schedule for half an hour and a spot at home you don't mind getting dirty.
For this month's feature, Outlook will keep it simple by suggesting two decorative methods. However, feel free to explore your creative side by adding dimensions or puff paint, ornaments, flowers, etc.
Material needed:
• empty bottles
• liquid paper, marker, (writing instrument)
• glue gun
• spray paint
• painter's tape/ordinary tape
First, clean those bottles! If your bottles have labels on them, soak in warm soapy water before peeling the labels off. Set up your workstation, preferably outside, especially if you will be using spray paint.
Option 1: Using the liquid paper or any other writing tool of your choice that will stick to the bottle, scribe your preferred text. Keep it short and simple. And ta-da! That's it.
Option 2: Use the tape to cover parts of the bottle you do not want painted, perhaps where you would like to put the text, or to make a pattern such as stripes or a starburst.
Spray your bottle. You may need two coats if your bottle is printed. And that is potentially all you need to do!
To take it to the next level, grab some ornaments, puff paint, and decorate to your heart's desire.
Now you know what to do, gather up the remnants of your next party, buy some paint, and you've got yourself a new set of vases.