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Important lessons to live and learn

Published:Friday | August 12, 2022 | 12:06 AMKrysta Anderson/ Staff Reporter
Who wouldn’t want financial freedom? Tap into ways you can achieve multiple streams of income and make investments.
Who wouldn’t want financial freedom? Tap into ways you can achieve multiple streams of income and make investments.
Taking up activities like painting to relax your mind and body is always a good idea.
Taking up activities like painting to relax your mind and body is always a good idea.
 Exercise is a perfect way to work up a sweat and release endorphins (good energy).
Exercise is a perfect way to work up a sweat and release endorphins (good energy).

In school, you’re taught a myriad of subjects to garner a host of knowledge and understanding that will eventually lead to specialisation in an area of comfort, passion, or dare I say it, wealth.

Well, it’s no different when you’re thrown into the lion’s den of life. Growth can be beautiful but with that comes cautionary tales that can only be experienced through a personal lens. Let’s see if you’ve conquered the biggest school of them all with ‘Life Lessons’.

Money management

This is an integral aspect when majoring in the business of life. Many young adults have learned the hard way about managing their finances, and spending frivolously on wants instead of needs. As they get older, especially in this economy, they realise that one job is not enough and begin to tackle having multiple streams of income, and making investments in order to bank on savings.

Develop of a hobby or hone skill

It’s great to have a job that pays the bills or brings financial wealth. But it is equally as important to balance the stress, anxiety or monotony that comes with life by finding and doing something that you love. This may include a skill that improves your financial freedom or something exciting that gives you time to breathe like painting, dancing, exercising, reading, writing or playing a sport.

Strength versus weakness

There is always a thin line between strength and weakness. What is seen as former by one individual is viewed as the latter by the other person. Learn to decipher the two and figure out what works for you. You can operate like a chameleon, doing what is necessary for survival. Or you can remain respectful but stay true to yourself.

Therapy is for everybody

We grew up hearing that therapy is for mad folks, when all along, everyone has a stroke of genius with a side of crazy; it’s just a matter of which you choose to tap into at a moment’s notice. So it would be nice to learn how to gauge that. There are those, too, who were raised on survival instead of love, and have a great deal of baggage to unpack and sort through before dating anybody’s decent sons or daughters. Also, who said therapy comes in one form anyway?

Activating self-love

They say self-love is the best love but it is often left last or it never made the cut on a person’s to-do list. But with the world feeding negative energy at every turn: physically through others, mentally with technology, emotionally through relationships (or lack thereof) don’t be afraid to hit reset. Carve out some time every week or month and dedicate it to getting some quality me-time. It could be as grand as a spa day or minor like a one-on-one mirror session speaking nothing but positive thoughts to yourself. This encouragement will inspire a change that no one can shake or break.

Time, place and space

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘There’s a time and place for everything’, let’s normalise knowing when the time and place no longer serves in a monumental way and seek better. Gone are the days where loyalty plays any part in toxicity. Choose peace of mind, not the battlefield. This lesson can be applied to work and family as well as social and intimate relationships. Let’s learn to walk away, let go and let God (or the universe) do the rest.