GraceKennedy donates millions to hurricane-relief efforts
GraceKennedy Limited is assisting with the relief effort in the Caribbean with a contribution of food items and cash valued at $3.7million to Food for the Poor and the International Red Cross.
Following the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria which affected several islands in short succession, GraceKennedy, through its subsidiaries Grace Foods, GraceKennedy Money Services (GKMS) and Dairy Industries (Jamaica) Limited (DIJL), responded immediately to appeals.
"Extreme weather events are becoming a way of life for us in the region, and these recent hurricanes highlight the risks of climate change and its devastating effects. We feel for the families whose lives have been turned upside. We are hopeful that the unity and support of the Caribbean and the international community will result in quick restoration to the affected countries," said Don Wehby, Group CEO, GraceKennedy Ltd.
Among the items are: Tastee Cheese donated by DJIL, and Grace products, including corned beef, Vienna sausages, beans, soups and porridge mixes, as well as mackerel and mixed vegetables. GKMS has contributed US$10,000 to the Western Union Foundation to be matched dollar for dollar for a total of US$20,000. Those funds will be donated to the International Red Cross' Caribbean disaster recovery efforts.
Following Hurricane Matthew in 2016, GraceKennedy contributed $2.6 million in food items through Food For The Poor to Haiti; in 2015, after Tropical Storm Erika, $1.2 million in food items were shipped to Dominica; while $2.7 million in cash along with 6,000 cases of canned goods were sent to Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake.