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Dwayne Wedderburn | The Power of the Lord to restore

Published:Thursday | November 16, 2017 | 12:00 AM


Physical, emotional and spiritual loss characterises the life of every human, some to greater degrees than others. Some people have suffered irreplaceable loss in great proportion, plunging their existence into a state of hopelessness. Wars, famine and natural disasters have and will always leave a long list of anguishing victims, many of whom may never fully recover. For most people, words of rejection from loved ones are enough to cause a downward spiral to emotional devastation. For some, failure to be justly rewarded or having hopes deffered have caused irreversible emotional instability.


Mankind needs restoration


Jesus, in His epilogue to His disciples, left a degree of disappointment about the pertinent matter of restoration. In Acts 1 vs 6-7 Jesus' disciples asked, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus responded, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power." After following Jesus steadfastly, day and night, embracing his teachings and benefiting from his empowerment, restoration was their greatest longing. Many believers today are in right standing with God, but the issue of restoration in different areas of their lives remain at the forefront of their minds.


Spiritual Restoration


When Adam sinned, the spirit of man became shackled, restricting man's communication with God. With this restriction mankind was robbed of everything by our adversary, the devil. We lost our spiritual authority, health, wealth, wisdom, and safety. We were left empty, helpless and hopeless. There was no remedy for the shackle of sin, save the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Salvation to them that have received it has brought about spiritual restoration. After our sins have been blotted out by the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes and quickens our spirits and restores us to the place where we have open and unhindered communication with God. This spiritual release and restoration forms the platform for all release and restoration in the natural realm, giving hope for the restoration of health, wealth, wisdom and safety.


Stand Firm in Faith


Job had undying trust and faith in the Lord, although He authorised all his afflictions. He trusted the Lord regardless of the loss of his family, friends, health and wealth. Trusting the Lord with the knowledge of who He is without the influence of what He can do releases Gods hand of restoration in our lives. Oftentimes the lack of reason for our affliction serves as the greatest temptation to give up all hope. However, like Job, despite our season of devastation we should allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to realms where we speak individual words of prophetic assurance: "For I know that my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another." Such words will strengthen our faith as we wait and allow God to be God over our situation. This level of firmness in our faith releases God's hand of restoration in our lives.


Chase God Beyond the Norm


Ruth, the young Moabite widow, decided to give up her citizenship, her family, her customs and her God to follow after Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth's decision was not simply because of her love for her mother- in-law; it was her opportunity to seize a generational blessing, for her to be restored under the household of Abraham from which Lot, the father of Moab, departed because of strife. Ruth decided to embrace the people of Israel, their customs, and their God. After giving up all to be numbered with God's people and to embrace the true and living God, Ruth married Boaz, a man of great wealth and renown, and gave birth to the grandfather of King David, from whose direct lineage Jesus came, being referred to as the son of David.

Giving up all for God will result in spiritual and natural restoration from the loss of past generations and secure blessings for generations to come.