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Coronavirus fight: Chinese community donates $900,000 in aid to St Ann

Published:Saturday | March 28, 2020 | 12:07 AMCarl Gilchrist/Gleaner Writer

Leo Fung of the Jamaica Gangdong Association (left) and Mayor of St Ann’s Bay, Michael Belnavis, touch elbows after the Chinese group handed over goods valued $700,000 to the St Ann Municipal Corporation on Thursday.
Leo Fung of the Jamaica Gangdong Association (left) and Mayor of St Ann’s Bay, Michael Belnavis, touch elbows after the Chinese group handed over goods valued $700,000 to the St Ann Municipal Corporation on Thursday.

The Jamaica Gangdong Association (JGA), which represents the Chinese community in Jamaica, has come to the assistance of efforts in St Ann to fight against the coronavirus, COVID-19.

On Thursday, the group donated food items and other goods valued at $700,000 to Mayor of St Ann’s Bay Michael Belnavis to assist with the St Ann Municipal Corporation’s care packages distribution to the most vulnerable in the parish. The handover took place at the St Ann Municipal Corporation in St Ann’s Bay.

A cheque for $100,000 was also handed over to the St Ann’s Bay Regional Hospital, which was collected by acting CEO Delroy Morgan. The JGA had previously handed over $100,000 to the St Ann police.

Leo Fung, who handed over the items to Belnavis, said the donations were meant to assist in efforts to combat the coronavirus.

Belnavis expressed joy at the support offered by the Chinese community in the quest to ease the financial strain that the coronavirus has brought upon residents of the parish.

“This donation will go a far way, and I am very appreciative of this public-private partnership and wish to see more collaborations like this as we all come together despite colour, class, or creed to fight this virus and its impact on our country,” Belnavis said.

The goods consist of tissue, water, flour, rice, sugar, noodles, and a range of tin products, including sardines, mackerel, corned beef, and other items.