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Author launches Bible trivia app

Published:Monday | August 17, 2020 | 12:21 AMJonielle Daley/Gleaner Intern
Shadeen Anglin.
Shadeen Anglin.

Shadeen Anglin, an author, has launched a Bible trivia application – Bible Quiz Time (Genesis Revelation).

Anglin, who is also a freelance editor, said she received the vision in February 2019 and started reading the Bible. Between going to school and working full-time, it took her six months to read from Genesis to Revelation and come up with over 1,400 questions.

“When I got the vision I didn’t even know that there was such a thing – quiz or trivia app. When you go into the Play Store there is a myriad of apps there; but the thing about it is that these apps do not have structure,” she said.

Unlike most Bible quiz applications, the Bible Quiz Time (Genesis Revelation) app is organised by the books of the Bible, allowing users to choose which book they want to be quizzed and, by extension, educated on.

“The user interface was inspired by the Holy Spirit, who revealed in a dream certain creative elements that would intrigue both adults and children,” she said.


She sees the app acting as an educational and bonding tool for families.

“A lot of kids are watching a lot of pornographic stuff on the Internet, and so this Bible app is meant to steer them positively while educating them,” she added.

Venturing into the male-dominated field of app development, Anglin girded herself with faith, despite not being able to afford the $150,000 needed to fund the app. Having completed all preparations, she had to pause its development for six months. The process was resurrected in March of this year, and the vision was fulfilled later in July.

“I ministered to a person who had a certain infirmity. That person became close to me over time, and one day we were talking and I told her I was working on this app and I was telling her the difficulties I was having and she just said, ‘Shadeen, I have US$300 in my possession, I can give it to you; and she gave me and promised me another US$300,” she said.

It is currently available for download on Google Play Store and Apple App Store and will officially be launched on Wednesday, August 19, via Facebook.

She also plans to relaunch her book Since I’ve seen Jesus – an account of her ‘supernatural encounters with the Lord’ – before the end of the year.

Living by the mantra “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Anglin says she has committed herself fully to bringing the vision to life.