Thu | Dec 19, 2024

Traffic changes instituted in Christiana and Santa Cruz for Christmas season

Published:Wednesday | December 18, 2024 | 10:15 AM
The changes will be in effect until Monday, January 6, 2025.

The National Works Agency (NWA) has instituted traffic changes in Christiana, Manchester, and Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth, in a bid to ease traffic during the holiday season.

Main Street, at its intersection with the Christiana Bypass (Apple Tree Plaza) is now accommodating only motorists heading from the direction of Mandeville towards the Christiana High School.

No right turn is being allowed from Webb Road and Wildman Street onto Main Street.

Nevermine Road is now being used as an exit from the town. No entry onto Main Street is allowed from this corridor.

No left turn is being allowed at this time from Jones Lane, Azan Lane, and Moravia Road onto Main Street.

Motorists wishing to enter Christiana, from the direction of Trelawny, Dump, and Bryce Hill can travel as far as to the Christiana Post Office.

The Christiana Bypass will now have to be used to enter any other area along Main Street.

In the meantime, in Santa Cruz, a one-way system will operate between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays. On Sundays it will revert to dual usage.

The section of Main Street from its intersection with Coke Drive and Institution Drive is one-way towards Lacovia. No right turn is allowed onto Main Street from the direction of Malvern or Coke Drive. Vehicles can exit at the intersection of Main Street, Retirement Road and the Santa Cruz Bypass.

Motorists entering Santa Cruz from the direction of Lacovia, should turn left at the traffic signals at the intersection of Main Street, Retirement Road and the Bypass. Market Street has also been converted to one-way and no left turn is permitted onto Main Street.

No right turn is permitted onto Institution drive. Motorists will use this corridor to enter the central business district and can make left or right turns onto Main Street.

Motorists who wish to travel to Malvern from the direction of Lacovia can use Retirement Road or travel to the end of the bypass, turn right at the Gasmart Service Station, then left onto Centre Road.

These changes will be in effect until Monday, January 6, 2025.

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