Sun | Sep 29, 2024

It's Christmas Time!

Published:Monday | December 5, 2016 | 12:00 AMKimberly Goodall

The most wonderful time of the year is here! The breeze is cool, everything is brighter, and with only two weeks left before Christmas, it's time to shop, decorate and bring in the right spirit for the holidays.

I know what you might be thinking Christmas excitement is for children. The truth is that even as adults, Christmas is the perfect time to share joy and love with friends and family and to do something special for someone else.

But just in case you need a little push, has a few tips that might help you regain that merry spirit.

Create Christmas spirit in your home.

1 Play some Christmas carols in the background while you do your regular chores. Great songs such as White Christmas by Bing Crosby and O Holy Night by Josh Groban are great examples, and they will help lift your spirits.

2 Make a batch of Christmas cookies, hang up Christmas ornaments and put up your Christmas tree.


Feel the Christmas spirit in company


1 Get out of the house. Go to stores and shop in the Christmas aisles. Have fun picking out whatever you need. When you see other people in the Christmas spirit around you, you're more likely to have that special feeling once again.

2 Spend time with family and friends. This is probably the easiest way to start feeling happy. Watch a Christmas movie such as White Christmas.

 3 Go party. See if you can find a party to go to this year instead of organising it all yourself. It makes for a nice change.

4 Give a gift, it doesn't matter to whom. But, take time with the gift wrap it, and make your own card, add a special poem or heartfelt Christmas greeting.


Care for yourself


1 Realise that you might be feeling down because you are overwhelmed and stressed by the seasonal festivities and preparations. Take time out. Go and do things for yourself now and then to relieve the pressure of always preparing and being around frantic activity. You can't please all of the people all of the time, so don't even try. By taking breaks, you will feel refreshed and able to cope with difficult people more constructively.

2 Have reasonable expectations of the Christmas season. If you expect too much, you may feel disappointed. Instead, expect things to be low-keyed and easy, and you'll feel a lot calmer and happier about the season, and be able to enjoy the experience more.

Finally, be jolly! Laugh more, see the funny side of things, even more so when things don't go as plan. Be genuine in your mirth. Forcing jolly feelings will feel artificial.

Restoring your Christmas spirit is worth your focus and you'll feel better for it. Remember, enjoyment does not mean spending a lot of money.

Have a Merry Christmas!