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Boyne launches second book

Published:Friday | November 22, 2013 | 12:00 AM
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (left) shares a laugh with Ian Boyne and his wife, Magaret, at the launch of 'Ideas Matter'. - Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer
Author Ian Boyne and guest speaker Professor Trevor Munroe, peruse a copy of his latest book.
Lady Allen has the full attention of the man of the hour.
Kelly-Ann Boyne and her stepbrother André Skeen out to support their father at his book launch.

Correction & Clarification

In last week’s article, Boyne’s wife Margaret was incorrectly identified as Sharon. We apologise for the error and all inconveniences caused. Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (left) shares a laugh with Margaret Boyne and her husband, Ian Boyne, at the launch of his second book ‘Ideas Matter ’, launched at King’s House on Tuesday, November 19.


Krysta Anderson, Gleaner Writer

Spotlights and very elegant chandeliers illuminated the beautiful walls of gardenia at King's House on Tuesday. The room, which had portraits of forefathers and past fair ladies hanging on the walls, was the perfect setting for the launch of Ian Boyne's new book, Ideas Matter.

His second book launched within a few months, Ideas Matter is a compilation of articles he has written for The Gleaner since the 1980s.

Corporate affairs officer at The Gleaner Company, Terry-Anne Wilson, said that when Boyne approached The Gleaner with the idea of doing the book, the company was happy to help.

"True to our collective conscience, he engaged the pulse of politics and culture. I applaud him for a consistent job well done," Wilson said.

Professor Henry Lowe of Pelican Publishers said they were privileged to be a part of the brilliant process, applauding Boyne for dealing with issues forcefully, yet respectfully, and with profound intellect.

"He criticised many people, yet they were still his friends," Lowe noted.

Boyne was also lauded by guest speaker Professor Trevor Munroe, who said, "Far from [being] one-dimensional, he spoke the truth and called it as it was."

Munroe noted that this work by an outstanding Jamaican journalist delved into the human mind and all facets of life.

Boyne's 40-year career as a respected journalist is attributed to diversity of interest, capable of extraordinary balance, grasping all phenomena and ultimately creating shades of grey in journalism.

In his address, the man of the moment revealed that with his love for knowledge, he wanted his legacy to be one of fairness and balance. He thanked everyone in attendance, as well as The Gleaner, which he said provided the platform for scholastic journalism, and Pelican Publishers for helping him through the process.

Boyne's daughter, Kelly-Ann, who gave the vote of thanks, wowed the audience with a rendition of God Made You Special. She went on to thank everyone, and saluted her father.

Entertainment for the proceedings was provided by Dr Kathy Brown, who gave a powerful delivery of From the Rivers of Babylon on piano, and Nadine Sutherland, who sang It's My Day - Boyne's choice.