Sun | Sep 29, 2024

Tech question of the week

Published:Monday | December 16, 2013 | 12:00 AM
Alex Morrison
Frances Harvey

What's one rule you have put in place in order to avoid distraction with social websites/apps?

Frances Harvey: I'm not sure if I would refer to it as a rule. I'm as basic as possible when it comes to apps, and I use social networks for entertainment, so the number-one rule would be to use them during 'break time' from work.

I am also steadfast in what I am doing when I am on the Internet or phone, and friends know not to share distracting links through social networks during my work hours. So it's hard to deter from the goal I want to look for online.

Alex Morrison: Social media, in my mind, has always been about the fun (distractions). My job is to distract you from whatever you're looking at, and get you to pay attention to what I have to tell you. However, one rule would be 'Avoid messaging and communicating with friends during my promotional times'. If you're not asking about what I'm promoting, then you won't be getting a quick response from me.