1. Family members fear that nothing will come of the acid attack that left their loved one depressingly disfigured. You see, the alleged attacker is from uptown and the victim, from the other side of town. But surely the young woman deserves some justice.
2. Electricity bills are killing everyone, but isn't it going a bit far when a visitor to a popular eatery asked to plug in his phone to get a little juice was told a flat "no"?. It would be interesting to hear some details about the level of current drawn by cell phones. It's a conversation that needs to happen.
3. People are saying little schoolgirls are safer today because there is one less paedophile around. Of course, those talking say there are plenty of examples if the authorities care to look long and hard.
4. Another case of the boss playing around at work. Seems wifey is not willing to put up with it, so she is off again - safely in the bosom of her family.