A magistrate is to rule next week Tuesday whether a policeman assigned to the Prime Minister’s security detail, who is accused of links with the Clansman gang, will be offered bail.
Peter Champagnie, the attorney for 23-year-old constable, Kenneth Reid, says he made the bail application yesterday in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court.
However, he says the magistrate, Simone Wolfe-Reece, has reserved her decision until next week Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the lawyer is continuing to raise concern that the prosecution is still unable to complete its case file against his client.
Reid was charged with two others on May 18.
Despite several courts appearances since then, prosecutors have been unable to make all the necessary disclosures and instead requested that bail be withheld until the preparation is complete.
Meanwhile, it's still not clear when the matter will proceed to the Supreme Court, where some of the charges will have to be tried.
Reid, his alleged girlfriend, Kerry-Ann Smith and Sheldon Walters are charged under the anti-gang law for alleged involvement in the guns for drugs trade between Jamaica and Haiti.
The cop was also charged for being a member of and benefiting from a criminal gang.