FALMOUTH, Trelawny:
Mayor of Falmouth Garth Wilkinson is allaying the fears of Falmouth residents, particularly motorists, that more sections of the town will be pedestrianised, which would become a traffic nightmare.
The fear is being fuelled by the work being done at the junction of Market and Duke streets in which the regular asphalt is being dug up and replaced with bricks. The residents say the alternative route, which is Market Street to Georges Street, is experiencing traffic jam as this intersection is closed to vehicular traffic because of the work. The residents believe that with the bricklaying, the roadway will be closed to vehicular traffic.
According to the mayor, "Those areas will not be pedestrianised, vehicles will be able to traverse all the areas." He said the bricklaying was also done on Falmouth Street and there is no problem with vehicular traffic.
He said that the aesthetics of the area will improve.