In the words of carnival greats like Bunji Garlin, Father Nappy and Machel Montano, 'We ready for the road', fired up to be 'Chippin down the road' and ready to jump on a 'Big Truck'!
Byron Lee's Jamaica Carnival is back and organisers are eager and excited to be 'back pon de road'.
Come Sunday, April 23, paraders can look forward to the original Jamaica Carnival, now rebranded, repackaged and re-energised under the banner 'Out of Many, One Carnival'.
Julianne Lee says, "Brand Jamaica Carnival is all about uniting everyone regardless of race, colour or creed through the use of the universal language, music. My dad was a strong believer in that and so am I. We are a community- and participant-based carnival."
Jamaica Carnival is offering more for less with five carnival attire options ranging in price from US$95 to US$285.
"Jamaica Carnival has a road wear option for everyone, from T-shirts to pretty mas, we have it! Our package also includes refreshments along the route. In partnership with vendors, we will have meals and snacks for sale to satisfy our participants," Lee added.
The options will include entry level T-shirts, premium T-shirts, Monday wear, premium costumes or pretty mas, and design your own. A series of blowout/street dance events will be held across the island, in Kingston, Montego Bay and St Elizabeth, leading up to the big road march.
This year, the march route will commence at 11 a.m. on Hope Road, with two judging areas for the spirit of 'carnival', with the winning group walking away with free season passes to the 2018 Jamaica Carnival events.