When his comfort zone became uncomfortable
He went in search of the woman he'd never met before
There she was ...
Glowing, not from jewellery or how bright she was
But because light reflected well from the blood.
When their paths crossed,
He discovered words
Words never before spoken
He grew sentences not known to their dialect
And they gave birth
to conversations unknown
to Caesar,
Conversations unknown to nature
The utterances of a dying ma
As their paths crossed,
But never met
The utterances of a dying man
There was a connection that didn't connect
The utterances of a dying man
"As she passed
She said her beautiful petals
were like cyanide,
You'll smell bitter almonds and think it's sweet."
Sandre O. Lowers
You have been careless with your heart
The question now is,
It has been trampled on so much
That Goddess Venus's eyes are dry.
How do you refine a thorn Whose purpose is to hurt?
Why forego a sumptuous meal
To pick up crumb sullied by dirt?
Why suppress your conscience
And compromise your stance
And toss out all your scruples
To hang on to a pants?
Go now and feel the giving Sun!
Hold on to its light!
Uproot yourself from decadence
And reclaim your life!
Let pathetic selfishness
Sit inside the dark
As you take the hand of freedom
And begin your strident walk!
Erica Brown Marriott
My guardian angel
I know you are by my side
From sunset to sunset
You watch over me
You may be tall
You may be short
You may even be surrounded with beaming light from the great God above
When I am asleep you are by my side
In the darkest night you are always there
With loyalty and joy you watch over me
Like a loyal soldier your guard is always up
To protect me from Satan's harm
You see the wrongs I have done
You never leave me alone
You see the tasks I have faced
I stumbled
I slipped
I stopped
You watch me put them through
But when I am about to fall
You reach out and stop me
from falling
V.O. Ricketts
A child dies as the walls of Kingston press against the flower-bed of his childhood years too soon
The child is lost as innocence comes against the boundaries of the police line
and the ambulance wailing and the signs 'Keep back! Don't walk! Don't cross!'
The riotous will of innocence rocked by another explosion,
another revenge
and the child that dreams in the ghetto watches
as hope collapses with the smoking roof of another arsonist.
The child dies with each new graffiti there in blood,
with each new name scripted on all walls
as faith is squeezed and zinc fence leak blood.
And hope falling from a butterfly to a caterpillar,
from a radiant rose to a deadly weed as innocence faces " Eye for an eye"
and a mother's cries
A nation dies between these bending cardboard homes
One more load, and a child dies.
Homer Sylvester
In a one-room dwelling, she watches over her brood
They are fast asleep, with bellies filled with food
She is now thinking of tomorrow
Her neighbour just got paid, so she knows she can borrow
Then there is work going on at a construction site
The wages from that can buy formula so her baby won't have to cry
Then the father of her first child promised her something
She can use it to buy flour and in the evening fry some dumplings
Her thoughts are more relaxed now
No more prostituting her body she once vowed
But if her children are hungry
Then she will have to cross that boundary
Education first her mother used to drum in her head
But his words were sweet and her mother's words she did forget
She forgot them two more times
Now she wonders if having them has messed up her life
But these thoughts are paused as the littlest one plays with her knee
His father is different from the other three
Will another man ever really love me?
She thinks out aloud remembering how she was deceived
He said he would marry her despite the three
She gave in only to find out that he was not so free
He had his own family in another country
He was so nice to her even now she shakes her head in disbelief
But despite her depression she knows she can never surrender
This is her chance to make her mark by being a devoted mother
Jomo McKoy
A large crowd gathered to hear the news
In my heart, I, no doubt, believe some were Jews
They listened intently as He taught
The young lad approached with the fishes he had caught
The teacher stood on the mount tall above the land.
The apostles counted and got around five thousand
They searched and couldn't even find housing
They looked at the crowd that was getting hungry
Better not let them get too angry
The teacher blessed the food and then they were fed.
The teacher was eloquent and spoke very well
Because He did not want anyone to go to hell
He performed a good miracle with the bread
Their lives He did not want to be like the living dead
The greatest teacher taught and then fed the five thousand.
- Hortense Francis