When I think of you,
My whole world smiles;
Whatever was dull and dismal,
Becomes interesting and uplifting,
Because you inspire me!
When I think of you,
Nightmares fade into oblivion;
And in their place,
Sweet, unforgettable dreams bring purpose and direction;
For you inspire me!
When I think of you,
Daylight dawns unfogged;
And whether rain, sleet, or snow,
Glorious light breaks through the halo;
For you inspire me!
When I think of you,
The sun seems to stand still;
While cool winds waft and wane
Upon a fertile hill.
Oh, how you inspire me!
When I think of you,
Each breath I breathe
Is perfumed with gratitude and goodwill;
Because of the principles you instil,
Yes, you inspire me!
When I think of you,
Unpleasant memories fade;
And from the deep recesses of my heart,
Wellsprings of joy exude anthems of praise;
Because you inspire me!
- Hyacinth Burgess-Gregory
In honour of my mother, Mavis Almira Panton Burgess
It is quite obvious who I am
Do I need to define myself to you?
No! I don't think so
I am never good enough to you anyway
I can never earn your respect
Neither get your compliments
I wake up each day with you on my mind
The way I love you
And wish to me you would be kind
Who is blind?
Is it you or I?
Children are an heritage of the Lord
With him I feel proud
But with you, I feel lost in the crowd
I promise myself
I will not compete
In order to feel complete
I came out of you
Do you remember?
Do what you can
In whatever way you can
But in the best way can
Because that's God's plan
Laugh at my jokes
Make me feel good
Make an effort to see into ME
Watch me, observe me, play with me
Say, "good job! great! well done!"
Give me a high five or even a thumbs up
The way I really need to be affirmed
Even if you don't mean it
I won't know you are faking it
Affirm me
Mommy! Daddy!
You both made me
So please, affirm me!
Alicea Samaru-Brown
Woman of God, adorned with grace,
You protect your seed in your loving embrace,
Selfish acts, your heart denies,
With love you chasten, even with your eyes.
Fearless fem, clothed in strength and dignity,
When I see you,
I see the person I yearn to be.
Woman of God,
Your seed will arise and call you blessed!
Gina Singh