Good manners and respect will help to advance your career, but most important, it will keep you on an upward and desirable path. Remember, it's not what we do, but rather how we do it. It's not what you say, but how you say it that matters most.
You can communicate your thoughts and actions respectfully regardless of the circumstances. It can be challenging at times, but we should try to do the right thing, not what is popular or expected.
Here are a few questions that should refresh your memory or provide useful information.
1. When you enter a room for an interview, you should?
A. Sit quickly to show how efficient you are.
B. Ask to be seated.
C. Sit after they are seated.
D. Stand for the interview.
2. How soon should you arrive for an interview or meeting?
A. The exact time.
B. 10-15 minutes before.
C. No later than 10-15 minutes late.
D. It doesn't matter as the interviewer or person you are meeting with will probably be late.
3. When responding to e-mails, you should?
A. Forget formalities. Just get to the point as people are busy and don't care.
B. Use the automatic response 'received' and get back to them another time.
C. Address the person by name, make the message concise, clear and to the point, then close with your name.
D. Ignore it.
4. In business, when is it Ok to use a person's first name?
A. Once you know it.
B. Anytime.
C. When you hear others use it.
D. Once given permission, depending on your relationship with the person or if it's the person's culture.
5. If you invite someone or a group of people out to dine on business, who should pay the bill?
A. The host - the person who does the inviting.
B. Everyone should pay his own bill.
C. The person who gets the cheque as it could be rude to pass it on.
D. The man on the right of the host.
6. While dining with someone and that person lift the soup bowl off the table and puts it to his head, you should?
A. Let the person know it's incorrect.
B. Ignore the person.
C. Stare the person down with the hope of the person correcting it.
D. Lead by example. Do the correct thing, and keep your bowl on its plate while you enjoy your soup.
7. If you observe unethical or inappropriate behaviour on the job, what should you do?
A. Ignore it as it's not your business.
B. Bring it to the attention of human resources manager or your direct supervisor as it can and may reflect poorly on the team.
C. Tell the person publicly that it is wrong.
D. Tell other people about it.
8. If you receive an invitation to a function with no dress code, what should you do?
A. Wear what you feel comfortable in.
B. Contact the host and ask.
C. Take it to mean anything can go.
D. Do not go to the function.
9. If you receive an invitation with the dress code formal, how can you know how to be appropriately attired?
A. Assume the most formal level.
B. Wear black.
C. Be guided by the time of the event, location, the occasion, and who will be there.
D. Just look your best and wear what you feel like.
10. If asked to say a few words or give a speech at a function, but you don't know who should be addressed first, you should?
A. Ignore them all and go right into speaking.
B. Say all protocol observed to avoid embarrassment.
C. Keep it simple and open with a greeting followed by "Ladies and gentlemen", then go into your speech.
D. State your name before going into your speech.
11. If you see that you are running late for a meeting or deadline, you should?
A. Do nothing, people run late all the time.
B. Notify the person immediately and inform the person of the delay, apologise, then give the person your new expected time of arrival or request an extension.
C. Wait to see if you will actually be late before you do anything.
D. Make up a dishonest heart-wrenching story and cancel.
12. If you are at a function and having a conversation with a group of people and they begin to play the national anthem, you should?
A. Lower your voice and continue the discussion as its rude to just stop.
B. Excuse yourself and go to the rest room.
C. Ignore it and continue.
D. Stop speaking and lower your hands to your side as a form of respect.
13. How soon should you respond to your emails?
A. Within 24 hours.
B. Within two weeks.
C. No need to respond to all emails.
D. Within a month.
14. Why are team meetings important?
A. To discuss important issues, share, and gather information and keep all members aligned with the goals.
B. To bond and get to know each other.
C. To get a break from your desk.
D. To waste time and point fingers.
15. While communicating in business via email, when can you address the person by first name?
A. Always.
B. When the person signs off using his first name only and if it is his culture.
C. When the person signs off with their first and last name.
D. When others use the person's first name.
16. When should you use a hyphenated last name?
A. When you are married but use your maiden name as well.
B. When others use it.
C. When you have a hyphenated name on your birth certificate. Otherwise you would not hyphenate it.
D. Only in business.
17. Where should you seat your guest of honour?
A. To your left.
B. To your right.
C. Beside the door as its easier for that person to leave.
D. Closest to the rest room for ease of movement.
18. Should you be asked to leave your job unexpectedly, you should?
A. Call everyone you know and speak negatively about the company and the individual.
B. Go on social media and talk about it.
C. Give the person a piece of your mind before you leave.
D. Trust that the company is no longer the best fit for you, learn from it, try not to burn your bridges and move on.
19. Companies have the right to portray their desired image and their brand is important, what are your guidelines?
A. Dress how ever you choose to.
B. Dress according to the company's guidelines and add your personal touch.
C. Dress according to what is in fashion.
D. Wear dark colours only.
20. You receive an invitation to a formal dinner, but you have guests in town staying with you, you should?
A. Ask if you can take them.
B. Just take them as its rude to leave them.
C. Leave them at home and attend the function.
D. Graciously decline the invitation and give your reason with best wishes.
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. A
14, A
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. D
- Laura Butler is a business and career development consultant with Fusion Consulting Jamaica. She can be contacted at [3] or [4] or 469-427-2007/876-361-3834.