Opposition spokesman on National Security Fitz Jackson is calling for an independent audit of the 29 cases in which the former security minister overruled the decision of the board of the Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA) to reject applications for gun licences.
Jackson says the "recent revelation that the former Minister of National Security, Robert Montague, overruled the recommendations of the country’s intelligence and security authorities and granted firearm licences to persons with adverse findings is unnerving".
In light of the revelation, he says the current national security minister, Dr Horace Chang, needs to immediately establish an independent audit of these 29 cases and overturn the decisions, as he did in the revocation of the used car policy.
The spokesman on national security insists that Montague, despite his explanation, must be sanctioned for what he described as a reckless undertaking that could have added to the high number of murders on the island.
“Twenty nine times Mr Montague deliberately went against expert advice and possibly empowered persons with criminal intent,” Jackson stressed.
Continuing, he said: "The Firearm Licensing Act establishes the Review Board to advise the Minister on Appeals. That body upheld the FLA’s decision not to grant the individual a gun licence. However, it appears that in order to bypass the established process, the former minister concocted the classification of “national security asset” to make it easier for him to grant firearm and ammunition licenses to persons of questionable character deemed associated with criminal activities."
Jackson says Montague's action is another example of the government bypassing established systems to create channels to deliver personal outcomes.