I have a general dislike for the People's National Party (PNP), my reasons being many. They are too corrupt, they usually make a dismal government, they put party over country, and their members acts like they own Jamaica.
Make no bones about it, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has done some wrong, but nowhere near the scale of the PNP.
Their level of corruption as a party is on a whole new level. In recent weeks, the chickens have come home to roost. The PNP, with the backing of the public defender, did the unthinkable: conspire to end the SOEs, which have been an effective deterrent to crime. Now, who won? For sure, not the country, not citizens, not Montegonians, not the PNP, or public defender, but criminals. Common brutish crooks!
Now, who is the PNP supporting, and why? As Jamaicans, we need to ask that question until the answer becomes apparent.
On to Petrojam. As I had predicted, the corruption in Petrojam did not begin in February 2016. So then, why didn't we hear about it while the PNP governed? Why is Paulwell still in the Parliament? Who was behind calling a meeting that was unsanctioned?
Now that the SOEs are no more, I do hope when the killings restart in St James, no one, including the public defender, PNP officials or citizens, will ask the Government about it. I hope the police are not called upon to go and quell any flare-up there, either.
If Jamaicans do not see that the PNP is anti-good government, corrupt and all about power, I can't help them to see it again.
The PNP is about power, not about Jamaica.