The Gleaner chanced upon Felix George, on Wednesday, December 20, in the Canoe Valley of south St Elizabeth and Manchester. We were leaving the scenic Alligator Hole, when he appeared out of nowhere, just as the hens and rooster, and a little cat did, when we arrived.
The German free-spirit, said he arrived in Montego Bay, St James on December 14, but decided to walk to Negril since he was not yet mobile. He had come to see the island by himself, because he didn't want to just come and travel around in buses that do not stop and allow passengers to tour.
For three days he walked to Negril. There, he bought a bicycle, stayed for a few days, and then headed east to Alligator Pond. From there he took the coast road and that is how he got into Canoe Valley. The intention was to travel to the east and north coasts before going back to Montego Bay, from where he is set to depart on January 18.
So, how was it going for him up to the point when we met him? He said it was “good”. The nights were a little cold, but he loved the hot days. Sleeping on the beaches was how he rested, and he was looking forward to seeing the rest of the country.
George, was pleasantly surprised when a Jamaican who was present, greeted him in German. His face lit up, and a conversation ensued. It turned out that the Jamaican had lived for a while in Frankfurt, the same place where the stone mason is living.
As we spoke he prepared his meal of crackers, sardines and tuna, with Jamaican pepper sauce. You could see that he was tired. As he sat under a shed by the main road, the little cat that appeared from nowhere, approached him. And, of course, the four-legged uninvited guest got a bit of the sardines and crackers.
We left George and the cat at the picturesque spot to enjoy each other’s company, and the captivating view of Alligator Hole.