Sometimes you missed the beat
Sometimes we lost sight of the melody
Which flattens the chord
That overlays the rhythmic foundation.
It would have been unwitting
That cadence of the Simon/Tobias
‘Folksy Jingles’, written generations ago,
Would have morphed, someday,
Into elements of a tribute to one of the most illustrious
Satellites in our Galaxy.
But unlike “… the Old Lamp Lighter”
Alister McIntyre not only made “The Night a little brighter”
His thoughts transcended our world and its insularities in so many different ways.
From modest beginnings
In his homeland Grenada
He soared into the clouds of
High profiledom, academia,
Diplomacy, Statehood, family man and
Mentor with distinction “ …beyond
Our Fathers’ wildest dreams” without
Ever losing the common touch nor the
Zen for new exploration’
It was this zest for learning and yearning
That mast the sails which floated the ship
Propelling him to further glory,
Even as destiny’s lamp burnt dimmer and dimmer in the distant horizon,
Despite the ravages lurking in the hearts of tigers
In the fluttering wings of the bald eagle
While pulsating in the umbilical cord
Of the unborn.
Yes master Navigator of troubled waters
Sometimes you lost sight of the formal melody
Only to create your own harmony
While wading in the temporizing embrace
Of your beloveds and dancing to the rhythms
Of your own symphony.
Yes master Navigator of uncharted waters
Sometimes you even missed the beat and moored your riggings
Too close to the edge of shark-infested lagoons
But survived through the graces of Unseen,
Unknown, Unsolicited … Deus ex machina
Tonight there shall be no tears
Only fragments of joy scattered in your pathway
Hoping that only goodness and flowers will blossom
In that space you left behind.
– N. Augustus Richards
No man outruns the choices he makes
But learns from the chances he takes
I am much wiser today
Learning to let God lead the way
There’s no comparison to my love …
Love for my soul dove
It’s not only my heart’s desire
And for her I pushed my limits even higher
It’s the will to love the same
Enduring all the pain
Love is a selfless thing
A patient man becomes King
What’s in the past doesn’t matter
Who I am I define despite what happened in the latter
Experiencing confusion and internal fights
Learning to stay firm and true to what is right
In finding my weaknesses I found my strengths
I now know my limits due to how far I went
Holding on to the values in me
Because changing life begins with changing how I see
– Patrick A. Morris