With what she described as a new era of change in St Thomas, youth leader and advocate Tishauna Mullings is charging young residents to be more assertive in ensuring that the necessary authorities deliver on all the promises being made to the parish.
Expressing her confidence in the looming development of the usually considered ‘forgotten parish’, she responded with fervour to the criticisms of others who believe that the recent ground- breaking of what is to be the Urban Development Centre at the old Goodyear factory is just a ploy to distract the people of St Thomas.
According to her, it is better to believe that it is happening than to be despondent and speak negatively of it.
“I’m heartened by the development that is about to come to St Thomas. I’m confident that this will be a reality, and I also know that it will take time.
“Over the years, we have been made many promises and have not seen any results; but I believe that this is a new era, it’s an era of change and I believe it is happening, but young people must also remember that we have a responsibility to keep them (the Government) accountable,” she said.
Mullings continued: “We need a group of young people who will say:‘You have said this and you have promised us this within such timeline and we are not seeing it.’
“I think we need a generation of young people in St Thomas who hold our leaders accountable and who are leaders themselves that seek opportunities and seek avenues to development themselves, so even the politicians and the leaders can be convinced to say there’s a cadre of young people that are really moving for growth, so we need to do something to support them.”
Mullings, who founded and operates the NexxStepp Lifelong Educational Services which, through mentorship, encourages youth self-actualisation, admitted that she has interacted with many adolescents from various areas of the parish and have heard their desperate cries for progress.
And with her strong faith in the plans for the parish, she is encouraging her fellow citizens of St Thomas to get the necessary training and skills so that they can partake in what is to come.
According to her, “I understand why you’re despondent based on how we have been treated in history, but if we continuously have no hope, and don’t keep our leaders accountable, then the cycle will continue.
“One of the things that I specifically want to note is that the people of St Thomas must be prepared to meet this development. It’s not just about infrastructural development, but developing minds and people skills so they can really be engaged in the process of this development.”