Hello mi neighbour! Tough though it may be, giving up your rights for peace’s sake is always the right thing to do under those circumstances where the absence of peace can lead to unnecessary suffering. “Those who know better, do better,” as my mother used to say.
Ours has become a very violent and trigger-happy society where the simplest matter can trigger a violent reaction. Tread cautiously, for peace’s sake.
What’s behind all these killings and lovers murder/suicide incidents? Usually it’s a very simple matter, resolvable in a 5–10-minute discourse. But people not thinking straight. Straight thinking means thinking with all faculties intact. Emotions are under control and people are conscious of possible outcomes from a particular action or statement. The problem is “nuff man naaah tek no check from nobady!” Rubbish!
As we go about our business today, let’s remember that we will encounter hotheads (crazy people) who do not only blow off steam but will maim others. Even people who usually keep a cool head can lose it if “yuh doan min’ sharp”. Be prudent.
Wouldn’t you think that a pastor who goes to church on a Sabbath or Sunday morning and delivers a stirring sermon on self-control would have his temper under control? Of course! And rightly so. But they say, anybody can preach but not everybody can practise what he or she preaches. Mmmmm.
So on their way home, pastor and his wife had a little tiff over a simple matter (si how satan strang?) Having quashed the argument, they moved on to pleasanter matters. At home, with a little more force and antagonism, wifey revisited the subject, thus reigniting the tiff. Tired from the preaching and argument on their way home, for a split second the preacher lost it and almost split her head with his fist. A very sad ending it was.
While we offer no excuses for acts of cruelty, people must understand that there are consequences for the things we say or do to upset others. “Offence will come, but woe be unto to one who initiates it”. At times, by merely keeping our mouth closed, if we cannot speak kind words, lives can be saved and misery be spared.
In man-woman relationships, where there is a lot of violence these days, there is a bit of information missing: statistics show that women tend to speak twice as men … some say thrice. This means that wisdom, patience and understanding must be exercised on the part of the man and the same for the woman.
The incessant talking of the woman is seen as nagging and chatting too much. If the man tries to match the woman word for word in an argument, he is classified as a “maama man” and loses respect. But we all have feelings!
So here’s the thing: ladies, in order not to appear as a nag, for best results, speak positive words to your gentleman. Gentlemen, for a peaceful and enjoyable relationship with your spouse, do the same.
How is that done? Where there is a will there is a way. If you have a strong desire to live in peace at home, a way will be found. Pursue peace and love your neighbour (partner) as yourself.
1. Novie, St Andrew – for donation of clothing to needy neighbours.
2. Neighbour, St Andrew – for offering food to needy neighbour in St Catherine.
3. Cynthia, St Catherine – for offering food to neighbour in St Catherine.
1. Winnifred, St Andrew – senior citizen needs a few pieces of board and celotex to repair house.
2. Grandmother asking for a barber chair for unemployed grandson.
3. Caula, Manchester – single mother of three asking for hairdressing equipment.
4. Merdella, St Elizabeth – single mother living in one room with her four children asking for second-hand ply and zinc to repair.
To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 334-8165, 884-3866, or deposit to acct # 351 044 276 NCB. Alternatively, send donations to HELLO NEIGHBOUR C/o 53 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10; Paypal/credit card: email: zicron22@yahoo.com [2]. CONTACT EMAIL: helloneighbour@yahoo.com [3]. Visit hellomineighbourja.blogspot.com. Mr Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.