THERE HAS been much debate in Christendom over whether the onset of COVID-19 and the efforts being made by the world heads and health industry to lessen the spread of the virus is somehow in opposition to the will of God.
In fact, many Christians have demonised the vaccine, labelling it as the mark of the beast.
However, at least one prophet has come out in an effort to debunk claims that the immunisation effort is the much-feared seal of the Antichrist.
According to Tai Jackson, who dubs himself a servant of Christ, “The vaccine isn’t mentioned in the Bible as a salvation issue. You can get the vaccine and be saved and you can refuse the vaccine and be saved. It is personal conviction and shouldn’t be treated as corporate conviction. The division on each side is demonic. The vaccinated are condemning the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated are condemning the vaccinated.”
And while the Portage, Indiana-based prophet maintains that the jab is not a deciding factor of one’s eternal home, the man of God warned that those involved in the conflict surrounding it may be in trouble.
“This is the list of sins according to Paul [in Galatians 5]: ‘Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God’.
“People that are causing division, you are in danger. You may say [things like] ‘Well it’s the mark of the beast’ or ‘It’s a salvation issue’ or ‘You will go to hell if you aren’t vaccinated’ or ‘You don’t love your brother if you don’t get vaccinated’... [but] there is no scripture to support either side of these claims. It is assumption and opinion. The Bible itself divides righteously and if something is a sin, it will be made clear in the Bible,” he shared.
Rubbishing claims that the inoculation falls under the term ‘pharmakos’ referenced in biblical terms as sorcery, Jackson said, “Pharmakos literally means using drugs for the sake of magic and interaction with false gods. If you are causing division on either side, repent. We have more important things to worry about, such as promoting the Gospel and the return of Jesus, as well as displaying the works of the Kingdom.”