I thank retired Supreme Court Judge Lennox Campbell for so eloquently speaking about the crux of the matter, and the challenges facing the justice system, in The Gleaner article ‘We must restore confidence in the justice system’, published on Sunday, July 17.
I have never lost confidence in Jamaica’s justice system, because the challenges that she is experiencing is not unique to her.
The United States and Jamaican justice systems have always experienced the same kind of challenges, which are universal and are nothing new.
Some challenges include the inability to find, process, select, and notify people to perform jury duties. Also, not being able to provide jurors and their families security protection at the courthouses, and in the communities where they reside.
However, the United States and Jamaica are both working diligently to improve their justice systems. So, as implied in the article, I concur that there is no issue of jury vs judge option.
Therefore, I would humbly suggest that all law-abiding citizens, judges, prosecutors, attorneys-at-laws and law-enforcement agencies work together to improve the justice system.