PARENTS ARE used to naming their children by circumstances of birth or their experiences around that time. Names can affect, remind, direct, motivate, or even serve as an instrument of covenant. I was told the story behind my own name – Gabriel – by my maternal grandmother, Lady Diana Mboma. Luckily, she was a godly and very spiritual woman.
She lived for almost a hundred years. She liked discussing spiritual matters with me because she believed I was spiritually inclined. She told me that God gave me the name through prophesy while I was still in the womb. My mother was told that she would conceive a boy, a great messenger of God and that he should be called Gabriel; that he would impact the world for Christ. Many other instructions came with that, which included not shaving my head for the first three years.
Her prayers, stories, and advice helped me to rediscover myself and my destiny. I am blessed to have come from this lineage, a generational string of godly men and women of God. I am the fourth generation and the grace is continuing. I am already seeing the sign in my kids. This must be a very powerful generational covenant!
One of the things that make Israel, Jewish religion, and race strong is the oral tradition. They will always pass information to their next generations and also remember that God would always instruct them to tell their children and coming generations the testimonies and the stories behind their deliverances, covenants, and dealings with Him. It is a great way to transfer faith, covenants, loyalty, and grace.
When my mother died early and the documented records lost, the divine prophecy, the calling, the name refused to go away. Even when the messenger dies, God’s message will not. It remains and will always speak and perform at the appointed time.
What are the words, events, and aspirations behind your name? God’s word upon you will surely come to pass! That prophecy was from God. I simply couldn’t run away from it. It was divine. And my name continues to remind me of my assignment, my source, and the covenants behind my mission. It helps me to remain focused, consecrated, and empowered.
Names, when they are spiritual and divine, carry grace, favour, anointing, and authority. They invoke covenants and power. They invoke identities, visions, and missions. Every time I hear or use my name I remember why I am here. It helps to remind me of my mission. It’s like a ‘mission tag’. I must bear His mark. I must run with the message of Him that sent me. I must work for the Kingdom, for God, and for humanity no matter the situation. I must selflessly and dutifully take the message of Jesus Christ to the world. That is why I came. I have no choice. I am Gabriel! That great angel will always say, “I am Gabriel. He who stands in the presence of God … I was sent to give you this message”. He brought that message that changed the world to Mary and Joseph, Zechariah and Elisabeth and was also actively involved in that one-of-a-kind, monumental deliverance and spiritual battle that revealed so much to us in the book of Daniel.
But this piece is not about me. I just briefly stated the above to show you that I understand a little about a name and the impact it can make on the bearer, his mission and the environment. Now, let’s move on.
There are people that God gave names from birth and also others that He changed theirs midway. Why? What is in a name that he should be so mindful of it? Look at Abraham. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham at 99 years, when it was time to actualise his covenant of having a promised son and raising a great nation that will bless the whole world.
This promise must come from an already dead womb, lost hope, and dashed expectations and so must first trigger positional belief and identification realignment. It was like drawing out the living from the dead.
The Almighty had a generational divine plan for him. Listen, “When Abram was 99 years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, ‘I am God Almighty. Walk before me and be blameless. I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly.’ Then Abram fell facedown, and God said to him, ‘As for Me, this is My covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will descend from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. And to you and your descendants I will give the land where you are residing — all the land of Canaan — as an eternal possession; and I will be their God.” Genesis 17:1-8.
God had earlier changed his direction, position and thinking, but now he must also change his name to suit and stimulate the promise and covenant of giving him a promised son through whom he will raise nations, kings, and generations of godly and blessed people for himself. First direction, second thinking and now name. You may need all these to properly fit into God’s plan for your life.
Are you currently where God wants you to be? Are you operating the way He wants? Are you thinking like Him or the way He is thinking about you? Then, what are you called?
Here, I am not just talking about your physical name. No. There is a name that God calls you in the spirit, in the dream and in your manifestation. Yes. That is who you are. This is also true when your life does not correspond with your name. For example, you answer to Michael, but you are a thief, a cheat. Your real name is a thief and not Michael.
What He calls or shows you in the spirit is more real and more authentic. We know that the Devil answers good names and appears like the angel of light, but his real name and nature is Satan, the deceiver, the destroyer, and the betrayer. So your spiritual identity supersedes what you answer in the physical. And that is where your destiny lies.
His parents called him Abram, but God is now calling him Abraham because there are roles and grace that are about to be unleashed on him. His name must fit into that divine programme. Now, what is your name? You are what God calls you. You are His beloved, lifted and blessed!
Rev Gabriel Agbo is an author. Email: [3]