Fri | Sep 27, 2024

Guns prudent choice for preachers

Published:Tuesday | February 8, 2011 | 12:00 AM


I beg to differ with the argument that preachers should not be owners of firearms.

Given the current climate of threat to persons and personal property, and particularly the wave of criminal activities across the island, the need for protection is paramount. Criminals have become more brazen, resolute and cold-hearted. Recent history clearly reminds us that members of the clergy are no longer exceptions and have even become direct targets. The murders of the Revs Desmond Rankine and Wilbert Peynado, both from the parish of St James, and the fiery destruction of Mt Carey Baptist speak volumes.

God directs us to love one another and to harm no one, but he also cautions us to let no one harm us. The message is very clear that he intends for us to utilise wisdom in seeking our own protection. Taking a position of offence may constitute a violation of God's will and purpose. However, being judiciously defensive merits compliance.

Like every responsible and law-abiding citizen, preachers also have the right to exist. They also have families, loved ones and possessions. The argument that they should not take steps to protect themselves is pitifully selfish.

I am, etc.,


Connecticut, USA