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Ask the doc: Should my mom take this job?

Published:Sunday | August 9, 2015 | 12:00 AM

Q. My mother has an opportunity to work out in the country area, but it is a two-hour commute. She would leave at 6 a.m. and return at 7 each evening. I am 17 and told her I would take care of my 10-year-old brother. Dad is not around. We need the money. Should she go?

A. Your mother must make this decision on her own. Sit and pray with your mother and talk about how practical the opportunity would be. If you have family members or friends close by who will look out for you, that would be good.


Who to live with after divorce

Q. My parents are about to get a divorce. My father wants to migrate and I (16 years old) want to go with him, but my younger sister (12 years old) wants to stay with mom. Should I stay with mom, too?

A. Your parents need to make a decision regarding what happens to you and your sister. They will have to consider all the education and health-related issues that affect your lives.

- Orlean Brown-Earle, PhD, is a child psychologist and family therapist. Dr Brown-Earle works with children with learning and behavioural problems throughout the island and in the Caribbean. Email questions to or send to Ask the Doc, c/o The Gleaner Company, 7 North Street, Kingston. Responses to concerns are to be considered as general, as cases shared with psychologists privately would be queried more deeply. Pray always!