Fri | Sep 27, 2024

Thursday talk

Published:Thursday | November 28, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit

Greenhouse unease

1. Story making the rounds is that at least one of those who backed the losing candidate in the internal elections is now making overtures to the governing party. Word is feelers are out, as this disgruntled greenhouse member is now looking to cross the floor!

No visa!

2. The 'businesswoman' flew into New York recently, only to be told that her visa had been revoked. Story is that there have been a number of quiet revocations in recent times!

Signs of the times!

3. Some say as the economic times have got harder, some men are losing their libido and are getting angrier. They say this accounts for a number of beatings and spousal abuse now occurring 'Uptown'. There's an increase in sales of certain cosmetic items, as battered women turn to cosmetics to conceal their bruises.

Jamaican camel

4. Some say the latest incident in Trinidad is just the straw that broke the back of the Jamaican camel, as for years now Trinidad and Barbados have been rude and hostile to Jamaicans when they try to visit.

Pyrrhic victory

5. A number of observers are asking what is the point of winning the battle but losing the war? They say the court victory was pyrrhic at best, because in the end the action that resulted in the court action revealed a dark underside that speaks to trustworthiness, and in losing the trust of the many, you would have lost the war!