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Prayer breakfast to focus on crime

Published:Wednesday | January 17, 2018 | 12:00 AM

The Reverend Astor Carlyle, head of the Webster Memorial United Church, is to deliver the main message at the annual National Leadership Prayer Breakfast slated for this morning at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.

The breakfast has been preceded by a Week of Prayer in which leaders from various sectors of the society were prayed for on select days.

Crime, violence, and the increased lawlessness in the society were given special focus. Churches were asked to pray about these challenges.

The theme for this year's prayer breakfast is 'Let's Stop It! ... Return to Righteousness', in what the organisers say is acknowledgement of the pervasiveness and destructive nature of evil that afflicts all sectors and levels of the society - secular and religious.

The theme "is a call for every Jamaican to stop those practices that facilitate evil and recommit to the way of righteousness, which is the foundation for true and lasting peace and prosperity for all Jamaicans", said the organisers.