DRT's terrific 10
On an evening when well-wishers floated in the atmosphere of a faithful flock, Danielle Ruth Terrelonge was awash with pride.
It was a gathering of business partners, clients, mentors and supporters Terrelonge calls friends.
They turned up at her Winchester offices in St Andrew two Wednesdays ago to mark DRT Communications' 10 terrific years of highs and lows, rough and rewarding, and of phenomenal growth from a dwelling house operation to an outfit in a swanky corporate building.
"It was a lot of hard work, especially in those days when it was just a few of us," said Terrelonge in between stories that triggered laughter among a spirited audience.
But hearts melted when she turned to her daughter, Maija Causwel, relating story after story of commitment, honesty and endearment.
"Everything I do is for you," said Terrelonge, tears streaming down her face as she tried to mend the cracks in her voice.
"There were times when she would ask me, 'What's for dinner?' and I would ask her: 'How yuh feel about porridge?' After eating the porridge she would ask if we have to eat it again, I said yes and she would say, 'At least my belly full'."
Terrolonge said she was indebted to her daughter and countless others for their support.
"Not a lot of small businesses are able to make it this far, but with your help and commitment, we did it," she said paying tribute to each member of her team, name by name.
DRT Communications, named after Terrelonge's initials, was one of the first organisations to receive funding from First Angels Limited.
And Joseph M. Matalon, the chairman and a founding member of the entity, was sharing in her joy.
"DRT is the poster child for First Angels and we are proud of its accomplishments," said Matalon.
"Danielle was the first person we interviewed on that day and the first person to get funding from us," he said, encouraging her to continue to impact lives in a positive way.