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Diary of a Ghetto Priest | 'The Parables', a new production for you!

Published:Thursday | August 9, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung
After 47 years of production, Father Ho lung and Friends now have THE PARABLES, many stories within one.
We shall have a grand time at THE PARABLES'. Thousands have come to our productions
Rehearsals for two solid months, required of Father Ho Lung and Friends for THE PARABLES under Paula Shaw and company.

On August 18, at the Little Theatre, at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., our group premieres the production The Parables. On the Sunday, we have shows at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Our telephone numbers are 876-948-6173, 876-585-2263, 876-806-1222. Tickets are $1,500 (child), $2,500 (adult), $3,000 (VIP).

The next weekend, we have our second and last weekend of The Parables. It is beautiful and full of varying emotions. The six parables are narrated by three characters: Bartimeus, David, and Bigga. They are modern characters. They have travelled through the archetypal temptations of life: pride, lust, and avarice.

They exchange experiences and discover that there are parables and stories from the scriptures that reveal parallel feelings, experiences, and solutions.

Once God is introduced into their own lives, we see the truth of our own actions and the directions we must take in life. This is the way we resolve our problems and dilemmas.

Really, this show is beautiful!

The second half is an array of selected songs I have written over the years. Wynton and Jon Williams have done marvels to them with their beautiful vocal arrangements and orchestration.

It was the plan of God that music would help our poor. I am amazed that I have been called and blessed by God to be an artist as well as a priest.

I keep explaining to people. I am not a trained musician, I cannot play any instrument. I cannot read or write music, but the music and lyrics flow through me and play like rivers supplying my mind, my imagination, and feelings with new compositions.


Gifts from God


Likewise, the 20 productions and scripts I have written. They are all gifts from God, for the people to be drawn to the Lord, to help care for the poorest in Jamaica and in the world, to delight people and bring meaning to the theatre arts.

In the second half, there are many if not all Jamaican rhythms on display. There are marvellous solos vocally and musically. There is laughter and fun, powerful voices, beautiful costumes.


Yes! You must come! It's really an experience of the theatre arts. You will love it. The kids will be delighted, and adults will be grateful for the experience of heart and mind. The poor, homeless, and destitute will be cared for.

I thank God for the Jamaican people and their support over the years.

Do you remember The Messiah, Queen Esther, King David, Ruby, Sugar Cain, and Amazing Grace? Here is another one you will remember, 'The Parables'. Let us be together once again.

Thank you once again, Lord. I bestow myself to the Jamaican people and the poor. I thank you, Lord, for making something new once again out of nothing. I have used what You Yourself have written, the Bible, to bring out images and stories of God's intervention, to shed light on today's struggle in the world. Lead us, Lord, lead us kindly, light!

The choreographer director for The Parables is Paula Shaw; the costumes and co-choreographer is Clayton Gidden; the director is Gregory Thames; the lights are designed by Robin Baston; the set designer is Gabriel; and the musical director is Wynton Williams.