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Witness maintains cops fabricated aspects of statements

Published:Saturday | October 28, 2023 | 12:08 AMAndre Williams/Staff Reporter

Denvalyn ‘Bubbla’ Minott, the second witness in the murder trial of Everton ‘Beachy Stout’ McDonald, yesterday again detailed how the Portland businessman’s wife, Tonia, was killed and claimed that the police fabricated aspects of his statements.

Minott, in 2022, was sentenced to 19 years for his role in the murder of Tonia, McDonald’s second wife.

McDonald is jointly charged in the murder case alongside Oscar Barnes.

The Home Circuit Court also repeatedly heard Minott professing his undying love for Tonia, even as he watched as Barnes cut her throat and burned her body.

Christopher Townsend, one of four attorneys representing McDonald, asked Minott, “Yourself and Mrs McDonald went up to Sherwood Forest together, according to you?”

Minott, in seeking to have Townsend clarify the question, said, “Myself, Mrs McDonald and?”

“Listen to me, sir, you will answer my question,” Townsend replied. “Were you travelling together?”

“Me and Mrs McDonald and?” Minott insisted.

“Oh, okay. Who else was in the car?” Townsend said.

“Mr Barnes, Mr Barnes,” Minott said.

It was at this point that Minott told the court he still loved Tonia, which he reiterated each time Townsend asked afterwards.

Minott told the court that they travelled from Port Antonio to Sherwood Forest, where the murder took place in July 2020.

He said when they got there, he told Tonia that he soon come back and got out of the car as that was the arrangement between him and Barnes.

Townsend tried to poke holes in Minott’s evidence, claiming he called Tonia barefaced before he killed her.

“You call her barefaced and then you kill her … . The same day you kill her is the same day you call her barefaced … . That’s in your evidence to us,” Townsend said.

“No, sah! That’s not my evidence to you, sir. That is what you have as your evidence,” Minott said.

He said that he lured Tonia to the location under the guise she was going to pick up a firearm.

The firearm in question was to be used in a plot to kill the person who murdered her father.

“Mr Barnes come out the car and step in back … on the right-hand side, the side she was on. Mrs McDonald was sitting down,” Minott said, laughing.

Townsend asked him if it was funny to him then, before accusing him of the murder.

“You find killing people funny?” Townsend quizzed.

“Me never kill a soul from me born,” Minott responded sharply.

He said that Barnes, armed with a knife in his right hand, began to stab Tonia.

“I don’t know how much stab she get … . Yes (I still loved her), but I watched because I couldn’t do better,” Minott said under cross-examination.

Minott said he did nothing to help the woman he loved and saw when her throat was being cut.

It was at this point that Minott sought to paint a picture that the police changed aspects of his statement.

Townsend showed him a document dated August 3, 2022, to which he said he saw his signature affixed.

“So you telling us that the police mek up that and put it in your statement. That’s correct?” Townsend asked.

“I never tell the officer that. No, sir,” Minott said.

Still trying to discredit Minott, Townsend asked him about US$650,000 in counterfeit money that was at his premises, alleging he collected the sum as proceeds from murder for hire.

“The police took that money from you?” Townsend quizzed.

“No, sir,” Minott said.

“So, therefore, you still have that money?” Townsend said.

“Yes, sir. That’s my personal business!” Minott said.

“You are a wealthy man. Is that the money earned from killing people? I’m just asking, just answer me yes or no,” Townsend said.

“ … I’m not going to answer that,” Minott said, even as Townsend persisted.

Minott, during further cross-examination, said he could not read or identify words or things of that nature.

He said the statements in court were written by the police and then read to him before he signed.

The trial continues on Monday.

McDonald was further remanded while Barnes had his bail extended and is to return at that time.