Thu | May 16, 2024


Published:Friday | November 24, 2017 | 12:00 AM


Love's Fire


Burning with a fire

Like Vesuvius

I turned to him A stone

Rubbing the two sticks

Of my love together

Found him

Deathly still, inanimate, cold

It seems there is no honour

For unrequited lovers

Charting the last

Frontiers of the bold

Wish I had only

Learned as a younger

There is nothing worse

Than a fool

That is old

Holding on

To a love that is dead

Like broken embers

To Quasimodo's soul.

Lisa Gaye Taylor



Father Time


The clock ticks life away

There goes another day

Tomorrow is never vowed

So live today anyhow

Life is short might sound cliche

There's no do-over, no replay

So many of our loved ones are gone

Those left behind must carry on

Time has no respect for anyone

No matter what in life you have become

Like the wind that blows so swiftly

Life, it's over in a jiffy

So have fun while you can

And bask in the rising sun

There are so many things you can do

Here's my bucket list to you

Anything you want to get done

Do it and start another one

My journey in life continues

So I'm doing the best that I can do

By being kind and nice to everyone

Hold no grudge before the day is gone

Forgive and you'll be forgiven

Do this and you'll stay winning

Just like the prodigal son

To your father, one day you must return

The day will come

When it will all end

Your time has expired now

No more living

Audley Johnson



Please Do It for Me


I'd be deeply indebted to you if you grant my request.

You alone can add the missing happiness to my life.

Even though I know so little about you, your love will do.

And I spoke of the burning love in my heart for you.

Darling, I'll ask for nothing else if you do what I want.

Take the chance this once and you won't regret it.

The joy of having a child of your own begins with love.

I wouldn't have suggested it if you were unable to do it.

You'd satisfy my intense desire if you give your consent.

Trishie, obey your heart, it's telling you to answer yes.

I love you more than you can envisage true love is.

And the fondness you have for me shows in your eyes.

Baby, I'll do anything you ask if you accept my proposal.

I'm confident that you understand my feelings.

Even though it's too early to expect a decision from you,

Please do it for me because I approached you humbly.

Marlon Pitter