Fri | Jun 21, 2024

The red drink: journey of heritage and health

Published:Sunday | June 2, 2024 | 12:06 AM

There’s a reason red drinks hold a special place in the regional culture. For over 500 years, the red drink, known as sorrel in the Caribbean, has been more than just a beverage. Its story begins in West Africa, where the hibiscus flower, hibiscus sabdariffa, was cherished, not only for its vibrant colour, but also for its medicinal properties.

As the African diaspora spread across the Atlantic through the harrowing period of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the tradition of brewing this ruby-coloured drink travelled with it, embedding itself deeply into Caribbean culture.

In the Caribbean, sorrel found a new home. Blended with ginger for its warming properties, and citrus for a refreshing tang, it became a staple, a taste of Africa reimagined on these new shores. Variations emerged, with Trinidad and Tobago adding warming notes of nutmeg and cinnamon. Yet, the essence remained – a beverage that soothed the body, lifted the spirit, and connected them to their heritage.

Sorrel wasn’t just a drink, it was a secret medicine passed down through generations. Modern science is catching up, revealing the power of hibiscus – packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Research suggests it might even be a powerful anti-cancer agent. The wisdom held within those traditions, passed down with whispers and stories, is finally being validated.


As you sip on your glass of sorrel, take a moment to reflect on its profound history. Imagine the resilience of the people who, despite unimaginable hardships, preserved their traditions and passed them on. Each sip is a connection to the past, a tribute to the strength and wisdom of those who came before us. They endured so that we could celebrate life with this nourishing elixir.

So, drink up more red drink! Celebrate not just its flavour, but the heritage it carries. In every glass, there is a story of survival, a legacy of health and spirituality. Remember your forefathers who, in spirit, raise their glasses with you, toasting to a healthier, more vibrant life. With each sip, honour their memory and the gift of this powerful drink that continues to sustain and uplift us.

Contributed by Dr Lorenzo Gordon, a diabetologist, internal medicine consultant, biochemist, and a history and heritage enthusiast. Send feedback to