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Dennis Minott | Crucial factors to consider for nuclear power plant

Published:Monday | May 29, 2023 | 12:19 AM
This May 2012 aerial file photo shows reactors of the tsunami-stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
This May 2012 aerial file photo shows reactors of the tsunami-stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
Dennis Minott
Dennis Minott

I would like to clarify my position regarding nuclear power generation facilities, called SMRs, versus specifically those larger facilities with a capacity of about 2000MW which can afford to be equipped with necessary containment measures, well-trained personnel, strict military-grade management, rigorous adherence to proven protocols, and responsible handling and disposal of nuclear waste.

I have less difficulty with such larger facilities, especially if they can be constructed in remote locations. I am formally outlining my position as a physicist/engineer with postgraduate applied nuclear physics training at public expense.


When considering the construction and management of a nuclear power plant with a capacity of approximately 1000MW to 2000MW, there are several crucial factors to take into account. Here are seven key considerations:

1. Site selection: The selection of an appropriate site is paramount for a nuclear power plant. Factors, such as proximity to water bodies for cooling purposes, geological stability to minimise the risk of natural disasters, and distance from densely populated areas to ensure safety, should be carefully evaluated.

2. Safety and security: Safety is of utmost importance in nuclear power plants. The design and construction of the facility should adhere to rigorous safety standards to prevent accidents and mitigate the impact of any incidents. Security measures should also be implemented to safeguard against unauthorised access and potential acts of sabotage.

3. Regulatory compliance: Complying with nuclear regulatory requirements is essential. This entails obtaining the necessary permits, licences, and approvals from relevant regulatory bodies. Compliance ensures that the plant operates safely and in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines.

4. Advanced reactor technology: Selecting the appropriate reactor technology is vital. Advanced reactors offer improved safety features, increased efficiency, and reduced waste generation. Factors, such as fuel type, reactor design, and cooling mechanisms, need to be considered to optimise performance and safety.

5. Infrastructure and resources: A robust infrastructure is necessary for a nuclear power plant, including suitable land, buildings, and utilities. Access to adequate freshwater sources for cooling, reliable power supply, and skilled manpower are crucial for efficient plant operation.

6. Emergency preparedness: Developing comprehensive emergency preparedness plans is essential. These plans should cover potential accidents, natural disasters, and external threats. Regular drills, training programmes, and coordination with local authorities help ensure prompt and effective responses to emergencies.

7. Waste management: Effective waste management is a critical consideration. Nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste, and proper disposal or storage facilities must be in place. Implementing a well-defined waste management strategy, including storage, treatment, and disposal methods, is crucial for long-term environmental protection.

My stance differs significantly when it comes to Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Economically meeting the above criteria I outlined for power reactors that are rated over 300MW is challenging for SMRs. How can an enterprise centred on Small Modular Reactors afford to operate soundly, commercially, and in today’s Jamaica while staying within the above-listed minimal parameters?


Further, the remoteness of the plant’s location is a critical factor. I do not see how this can be achieved, even in the largest Caribbean island states, which are our neighbours to the north and to the east of us, respectively, let alone within Jamaica’s territorial space.

Here is a summary of the public health effects, to date, of the nuclear disasters that occurred at:

1. Chernobyl: The nuclear disaster at Chernobyl took place in 1986, releasing a significant amount of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. The immediate impact was the loss of lives due to acute radiation sickness, with 31 deaths reported. The long-term effects included an increased incidence of thyroid cancer among exposed individuals, especially children, and psychological distress in the affected population. The disaster led to the permanent evacuation of nearby communities and substantial environmental contamination. 1,017 square miles is the area of strictly enforced exclusion zone around that single failed reactor. The present area of Jamaican territory is 4240 square miles.

2. Three Mile Island: In 1979, a partial meltdown occurred at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, United States. While there were no immediate casualties or significant radiation releases, the incident raised concerns about the safety of nuclear power. The long-term health effects have been subject to debate. Studies have indicated no substantial increase in cancer rates among the exposed population. However, the event caused anxiety and stress among the affected community, leading to social and psychological impacts.

3. Fukushima: The Fukushima nuclear disaster took place in 2011 following a powerful earthquake and tsunami that damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. The release of radioactive materials resulted in the displacement of thousands of people. The health impacts were primarily psychological, with stress and anxiety prevalent among the affected population. Although no immediate deaths were attributed to radiation exposure, the long-term health effects are still being studied.

The primary concern remains the potential increase in cancer rates, particularly thyroid cancer due to radioactive iodine exposure. The total area around Fukushima, Japan which is now off-limits has recently risen to 311.5 square miles, roughly the same as Portland parish in Jamaica which is 314.3 square miles in area (and, the irony of ironies, shrinking due to climate change). By the way, the windy Republic of Barbados (population 281,635 plus) is 166 square miles in national area and shrinking too.

4. Smaller civilian nuclear power plants: There have been several smaller civilian nuclear accidents worldwide, but their public health effects have generally been limited. The most significant health impacts have been observed in workers involved in the incidents, with acute radiation sickness being the primary concern. Strict safety protocols and containment measures have generally prevented large-scale releases of radioactive materials and subsequent public health consequences.

Overall, the public health effects of nuclear disasters have varied depending on the scale and severity of the incidents. Immediate casualties have been limited, but long-term health impacts, particularly psychological distress and increased cancer risks, have been observed in some cases.

Dennis A. Minott PhD is the CEO of A-QuEST-FAIR. He is a renewable energy specialist and worked in the oil and energy sector. Send feedback to