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Celebs share lessons from their Mom

Published:Friday | May 8, 2015 | 12:00 AMDavina Henry
Alaine and her mom, Myrna Laughton
Miss Kitty's mom, Marjorie Hilton
Miss Kitty
I-Octane paying tribute to his mom, Winnifred Eleen Williams (Pamela) at his album launch last year.
Iba MaHr and Mama Rosie

To celebrate Mother's Day, here are some slices of wisdom that our favorite celebrities learned from their moms.


Miss Kitty (Mom- Marjorie Hilton)


Advice: Know your self value and self worth.

My mom taught me to love myself for who I am, flaws and all. She said when you value yourself, you won't allow anybody to dishonor who you are. You can have all the education in the world, but if you don't value yourself, nobody else will value you. She taught me the value of being an asset and not a liability. Big up me nice, clean, educated mother. There are no words to adequately articulate how much I love her and appreciate her.


I-Octane (Mom: Winnefred Eleen 'Pamela' Williams)


Advice: Be self reliant!

My Mom, Pamela Williams taught me self reliance. She was a single parent, so she told us that even though we don't have money, we are not to drown ourselves in depression. She taught me the value of working hard. She instilled in me how to work towards my goals. Her advice molded me into the man I am today.


Alaine (Mom: Myrna Laughton)


Advice: Be self-confident

It's impossible to find a most valuable lesson, because she's still teaching me daily. Mom's lessons range from teaching me to 'grater' onions and garlic instead of cutting them up to make them really soak into the food, to never leaving home without eyeliner. Most of all, she's always instilled a strong sense of self-confidence in me. She believes in me and I believe her.