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Promoters react to 'fire permit'

Published:Sunday | May 7, 2017 | 12:00 AM
Patrons attending a previous staging of ‘Yesterday’.

Gyete Ghartey of GLK Entertainment spoke with satisfaction at the work of the Jamaica Fire Brigade and their involvement in event management. According to Ghartey, the fire permit requires planners to follow certain guidelines that ensure patron and staff safety.

"Such things that can be easily overlooked, like having a fire extinguisher, making sure there are enough emergency exits and that they are not blocked; the fire people are at the event ensuring these things are done," Ghartey told The Gleaner.


Health permit


Alessandro Boyd, promoter of 'East', told The Gleaner that they also invest in public liability insurance, through the Jamaica Fire Brigade and through the Ministry of Health. After acquiring relevant documentation from an ambulance service, Boyd told The Gleaner that his team presents those to the ministry, which then issues a health permit.

However, there are some who do not agree that the onus is with the promoters in applying for the relevant permits for a public event.

"My thing is, why is the venue not incurring the cost for the fire permit, et al?" Dwayne Harris, promoter of 'Dip Suh' asked. "Why aren't the selectors paying JAMMS fees? Aren't they the ones being paid to play music?" he continued.

"I also have to pay the sound system, the decorators, the people who provide the alcohol, the security at the event, and many more. When I done paying all of these, God bless the likkle money weh mi mek. The agencies are nothing but a bunch of legal extortionists," he said.

- K.S.