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Book Review: ‘Seven Days in June’ by Tia Williams – entertaining, breathtaking and sexy

Published:Friday | March 4, 2022 | 12:08 AMShanique Sinclair/Contributor
‘Seven Days in June’ by Tia Williams is entertaining, breathtaking and sexy.
‘Seven Days in June’ by Tia Williams is entertaining, breathtaking and sexy.

Disney films have, for many, shaped a definition and expectation of how life in love and romance should play out, and the thing is, for some people, it actually does.

However, the funny thing about love is how complex and untailored it is. Indeed, in many cases it is a far cry from the Disney-themed portrait of happiness and perfection.

Seven Days in June by Tia Williams is a book centred around our main character, Eva Mercy, and Shane Hall, a mysterious, award-winning novelist, who has spent his adult life trying to make a change in the lives of the youth he encounters. A bestselling erotica writer, Eva is doing her best to stay above water while being a black single mom to an eccentric and charming daughter, Audre, and living with a debilitating illness

When Shane and Eva are reunited by sheer serendipity at a literary event in New York, their encounter is electric, bringing back the memories that Eva sought so hard to bury. In their adolescent years, Shane and Eva spent seven days in complete bliss, and over the years, through their literary works have secretly professed their love for each other through their words and characters. Given the opportunity to reconnect, Eva is wary of the man who left her heartbroken and makes every effort to get him out of her life and out of her heart.


It’s easy to see why this book was named a Most Anticipated Book of 2021 by CNN and a Best Romance Rook of 2021 by the Washington Post. This Oprah praised, and Reese’s Book Club selection pulls you all the way in and suspends you there to the very last word on the page. The first thing that really grabbed my attention was that I felt represented in this book as a black woman watching black love find its way back home as these soulmates are brought back together through fate and destiny. Williams is not pretentious in her creation of these characters, making them wholesome and realistic – full of emotion and beautifully flawed. The pacing of the book and how they are able to work through their trauma and help each other to heal once more is genuine and sincere. I also enjoyed how fluid the novel was in taking us from past to present and back without disarray. The context we are given really allows us to understand each character holistically and appreciate their actions and decisions throughout the book. It addresses traumatic and dark themes such as alcoholism and prostitution, but does not leave the reader feeling traumatised but rather relieved at how the characters are able to overcome these obstacles.

“I remember that I’m not lonely; I’m alone. When I’m comatose from writing and mothering, when I’m hurting too badly to cook, talk or smile, I curl up with ‘alone’ like a security blanket … alone never gets disappointed by me” is one of the many quotes from Eva that lingered and resonated with me. It marks the moment Eva decides to allow herself to let go and give love a second chance.

Let me not forget to mention how fun and delightful the supporting characters are in the book. I adored Audre, Eva’s teenage daughter, who acts as an unofficial mental health official in her spare time, which was cute and witty. I enjoy young solid adult characters who know who and what they care about regardless of their youth. The mother-daughter bond they shared as a single matriarchal unit was beautiful and so refreshing.

Seven Days in June is one of the best books I have read all across the board. It is entertaining, breathtaking and sexy. This one is for romance genre lovers and non-romance genre lovers. This one is for persons who are hopeless romantics and persons who are firm believers in the power of soulmates and second chances. This one is for persons who have given up on the idea and concept of true love. But above all, this one is for anyone who wants to read something that will seep through your pores and reach deep into your soul.


Shanique Sinclair is a book enthusiast who enjoys sharing her passion for books with others. Follow her on Instagram @shanzlitadventures. Send feedback to