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It might be risky to sleep with dogs

Published:Thursday | December 22, 2022 | 8:39 AMBANG Bizarre

Top vets have warned that man's best friend have a higher body temperature than humans and might overheat if covered up with a duvet.

More canines sleep in bed with their owners in winter as temperatures drop because they provide additional electricity-free warmth on cold nights.

Katy Alexander, an expert at the charity Blue Cross, said: "Very small dogs, puppies, elderly dogs and dogs with arthritis or other mobility problems may struggle to find a safe exit if they are getting too hot."

The vet also warned owners against using weighted or electric blankets for their dogs.

Animal behaviourist Karly Smith added: "Some dogs like to snuggle under a duvet, but it is important to not force our dogs to do things they might find frightening."



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