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Scientists develop electric alarm to stop people from daydreaming

Published:Thursday | January 26, 2023 | 8:30 AMBANG Bizarre

Boffins have come up with a device that can identify when a person is losing concentration based on their brain activity and sound an alarm whenever it happens.

A small study of 36 people under the age of 60 revealed that people given the treatment daydream significantly less often.

The investigation required those involved to press a key every time a number flashed up on screen, unless it was the number three.

After identifying when people's minds were wandering, the researchers sounded the alarm and found that it had a positive influence on their performance in the task.

Dr Issaku Kawashima, who led the study, said: "Our ultimate goal is to develop neurofeedback training which allows people to manage their mind-wandering in a beneficial manner."



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