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The Classics

Photo Flashback:Pele plays in Jamaica

Published:Friday | February 3, 2023 | 7:54 AM
Brazilian football idol, Pele, is surrounded by admirers on the tarmac of the Palisadoes International Airport on Friday, January 29, 1971.
Cavalier Invitational goalkeeper Vester Constantine, who had a good match, stopping a hard shot from Santos’ right winger Edu (out of picture) at the National Stadium on January 31, 1971. From left are Calvin Stewart of Cavalier, Santos’ Douglas, Delroy Scott, Cavalier’s captain Pele and Abel of Brazil, and Cavalier’s Errol Barrett.
Cavalier goalkeeper Vester Constantine thrusts a leg forward, stopping the ball and denies Santos' right-winger Edu (second from right), a goal as concerned Neville Oxford (left) and Calvin Stewart (second from left) come rushing into the action. The game was played on January 31, 1971 at the National Stadium.
Defender Delroy Scott (back turned) gets ready to challenge Brazilian great, Pele, during a friendly match between Cavalier Invitational and Brazil's Santos at the National Stadium on January 31, 1971.

Jamaicans got a treat watching the great Pele play in a live match between Cavalier Invitational and Santos.