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One in five dog owners have used their pooches to find love

Published:Thursday | March 2, 2023 | 7:56 AMBANG Bizarre

A new poll of 1,000 owners found that 20 per cent have introduced their canine to another person in the hope that it will help them spark up a romance.

Men (28 per cent) are more likely to use their dogs as romance aids than women (16 per cent) and almost a quarter of men (23 per cent) think that their pets have helped them win a date.

Pooches are universally popular as 62 per cent of pet owners have been stopped on the street because of their dog, with 73 per cent admitting that they enjoy the extra attention.

A spokesman for, who commissioned the study, said: "Dating apps are rife with selfies with pets, so it's no surprise that so many people said their dog had helped them find a match.

"Dogs obviously have the cute factor, but on top of that, a person who clearly loves their pet comes across as caring and compassionate - excellent qualities for a potential date.

"It's interesting to see how much extra attention a furry face can bring – and how much people love it."

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