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Commissioner Blake stresses accountability in police force

Published:Tuesday | October 8, 2024 | 8:17 AM
Police Commissioner Dr Kevin Blake

Police Commissioner Dr Kevin Blake has issued a stern warning to Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) members, emphasising zero tolerance for the leakage of sensitive information via social media and messaging platforms. He highlighted the critical need for integrity in information management, noting that breaches of confidentiality can jeopardise public trust, ongoing investigations, and even lives. Blake also stressed that supervisors must hold their subordinates accountable, as negligence could undermine the JCF's commitment to transparency and public safety.

JCF plugging leaks

Commish puts cops on notice that sensitive information breaches won’t be tolerated

Jamaica Gleaner/7 Oct 2024/


POLICE COMMISSIONER Dr Kevin Blake has warned of a zero-tolerance approach towards members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) who leak sensitive information to the public via social media and other platforms.

Blake, addressing lawmen in his weeky Commissioner’s Corner, where he speaks directly to members of the JCF, said the force has found itself at a crossroads as its members engage heavily with platforms like Whatsapp and other social media channels for routine communication.

He said the integrity of information is not only an operational necessity, but a matter of public trust and safety.

“Very little does more harm to our image, reputation, and the security of the people we serve than this type of recklessness from a few among us,” he cautioned.

The warning comes at a time when the circulation of sensitive police data on social media has raised alarms both within the force and among the general public.

He said that too often, highly confidential information finds its way into the public domain, shared carelessly through messaging platforms and other informal channels.

The commissioner said that for an institution that must uphold the highest standards of confidentiality, such breaches are not merely lapses in judgement. They are potential threats to the very fabric of public safety.

Blake’s warning comes amid growing concerns over data-privacy breaches in light of the passage of the Data Protection Act.

Leaked information that contains personal data may open up the force to litigation.

The commissioner noted that breaches of confidentiality are not just ethical violations, but risk compromising ongoing investigations, and in the worst cases, possibly, could cost lives.

Blake noted that the JCF takes seriously its responsibility to protect both its operations and the citizens it serves from the consequences of poor information management.

“We must always avoid the urge to share sensitive police information with unauthorised persons,” he said.

He noted that the proliferation of large Whatsapp groups presents a unique challenge, one in which the dissemination of official police reports to unauthorised

persons, intentionally or otherwise, is far too common.

He said this practice “must stop forthwith”.

“Our information must remain accurate, complete, and trustworthy,” Blake reminded his colleagues.

He stressed that when sensitive information is shared improperly, its accuracy can become compromised and the truth of the matter obscured. The result is an erosion of trust, he said, not just within the force, but among the general public, who rely on the police to maintain transparency and accountability.

“We must be accountable for how we manage the information in our custody,” he said, adding that information management was more than a technical task.

The commissioner said that while breaches of confidentiality are often traced to individual officers, supervisors also bear responsibility when they fail to hold their subordinates accountable.

“When a supervisor does nothing to hold that person accountable, or even worse, seeks to cover for the person, then he has transferred the liability to himself,” Blake cautioned.

He urged lawmen to carefully guard the public confidence the force now enjoys, noting that this should not be compromised by poor judgement.

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