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Health benefits of carrot juice

Published:Tuesday | June 20, 2017 | 10:19 AM

n Fresh carrot juice contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals, which makes it great for health maintenance, particularly for people with weak immune systems, skin and vision problems. It is also great for children.

n Carrot juice is also rich in potassium (130 mg/100gr), calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. This delicious juice also contains flavonoids, phytoncides and enzymes as well as organic acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides, starch and ash.

n Drinking a glass of carrot juice a day is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Slightly diluted with water, it can be given to children.

n The main healthy component in carrot juice is vitamin A, which helps with vision and skin problems. Lack of vitamin A is immediately visible on the skin, as it gets dry or may be flaking. Heels and elbows get hard very quickly.

n Vitamin A accumulates in the liver and cleanses it constantly, so carrot juice supports the health of the liver. It also helps in gastritis with high acidity and lowers stomach acidity.

n Vitamin A is also essential for growth and development of bones.

n It is also great for healthy tooth enamel in adults and proper development of teeth in children.

n It is also quite healthy for mucous membranes, protecting against infections.

n Carrot juice is rich in antioxidants, which slow down the ageing process and reduce the risk of cancer.

n It helps cleanses the cells of toxins and impurities, thus ridding the skin of acne. Drinking carrot juice can help you get rid of dermatitis and eczema.

n Vitamin C in carrot juice acts as a protector of the nervous and immune systems. A glass of fresh carrot juice relieves stress after a hard day and has a calming effect if one is overexcited. Carrot juice contains a substance related to endorphins, which promotes a sense of joy.

n It is important for somkers to drink fresh carrot juice because nicotine destroys all supplies of vitamin C, in the body. Vitamin C in combination with B vitamins, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system.

n Fresh carrot juice increases appetite and improves digestion. It serves as a great resource in atherosclerosis, infections and kidney stones.

n Carrot juice is very helpful to women. Carotene normalises the synthesis of female sex hormones that allow women to stay young and healthy for longer. Because the lack of vitamin A leads to infertility, carrot juice, in some cases, helps to resolve that problem.