The 225-room Jewel Paradise Cove Beach Resort and Spa in Runaway Bay, St Ann, has been voted Jamaica’s Best Wellness Retreat for 2019 by World Spa Awards.
The wellness programme at Jewel Paradise Cove includes hosting three wellness retreats annually – in May, August and – December and wellness programmes throughout the year done by Sienna Creasy, spa director for Hilton Rose Hall Resorts and Spa, and Jewel Resorts.
Creasy, an international yoga instructor, is the innovator of reggaelates, an exercise that combines reggae and Pilates.
She explained that the hotel’s retreat programme includes the integration of local teachers; international practices; signature classes, including yoga, meditation, sound healing, paddleboard yoga, zumba, yahsuh, reggaelates, among others.
“We are truly proud to have received this award and acknowledgment for our efforts!” Creasy told Hospitality Jamaica.
General Manager at Jewel Paradise Cove, Barbara Burton, was pleased with the award and pointed to other facilities.
“In addition to that, we have our own fitness professional on property, our own tennis pro on property, so there is always a myriad of wellness activities. We are one of the few properties that have a fit trail that meanders through the property, where the guests can use that fitness routine,” Burton explained.
“So yes, it’s in addition to a great all-inclusive vacation, we want to focus on the wellness of mind, body and spirit.”
Carl Gilchrist