Sat | Jun 1, 2024

What Simpson Miller said:

Published:Thursday | March 16, 2017 | 12:00 AM
Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller making her final Budget Debate presentation to Parliament yesterday.

In her final presentation to the Budget Debate in Parliament yesterday, Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller paid tribute to significant political figures who had an impact on her political career.

Below are highlights of what she said:

- "Former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Michael Manley, who gave me the opportunity to serve and who helped to guide my development. He was the ultimate embodiment of great yet humble political service."

- "Former Prime Minister the Most Honourable P.J. Patterson, from whom I have learnt so much. Under his leadership, I had the opportunity to serve in three different ministries, and on the political front line, I was his field general."

- "It is also important for me to acknowledge former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Hugh Lawson Shearer, who was my mentor and friend. I will never forget his humility, love, and quiet counsel."

- "Former Prime Minister the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, who for many years represented the neighbouring West Kingston constituency. Though political rivals, we share a fond respect for each other."